Concepts of Health

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Intensity of exercises: Maximal heart rate is calculated according to the following formula: 220 minus age. So, a MHR for a 20 year old person is 200 beats per minute. Resting heart rate (RHR) is 60 bpm. In this case, the heart rate reserve (HRR) is 140 bpm (MHR – RHR). Intensity of training (IT) is HRR x TI + RHR.

The training zone that will be optimal for a healthy person is from 70 to 85 percent of training intensity.

70% TI = 140 x 0.70 + 60 = 158 bpm

85% TI = 140 x 0.85 + 60 = 179 bpm

Frequency: from 3 to 5 times per week.

Duration: minimum 20 minutes, maximum 60 minutes per training.

Activities: all types of aerobics like brisk walk, run, dance, swim, ski.

Time of day for training: 15 minutes to warm up, 30 minutes of training, 15 minutes to coold down.

Where you will perform the training: gym, park, stadium.

Reward: reduction of blood pressure, improvement of stamina, weight loss.

Muscular Strenth & Endurance

List the exercies: DB squat, DB one arm bent row, DB bench press, DB step-up, DB incline press, DB pullover, DB lunge, DB press, BW trunk curl with bicycle action, DB curl. (DB stands for dumbbell, BW for body weight).

Number of repititions: 8 to 12 repetitions per set of exercise on a moderate speed (6 seconds per repetition); 2 or 3 trainings per week.

Reward: reduces risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, low back pain and depression.

Muscular Flexibility

Selected exercies:

1) From a sitting position lean forward to the legs. This exercise stretches back of the thighs.

2) Bring the foot to the buttocks while standing on another leg and pull back slowly.

3) Step forward with one leg. Shift your weight toward the front leg while keeping the back heel on the ground.

Techniques used: the position should pull the muscle slightly, without causing pain.

Number of repititions: 3-5 times on each side of the body.

Length of final hold: 15-30 seconds.

Reward for accomplishing goal: improves flexibility and balance.

Recreational Activities

I prefer Chinese martial arts as a recreational activity, like Tai chi. This kind of training helps to develop flexibility, and deals with stresses perfectly.

Daily Physical Activity

I am trying not to skip everyday morning exercises, that consist of training of muscular strenth and flexibility. These exercises help a lot in improving stamina and are an effective warming up activity for aerobics. I hope that phisically active way of life will help me stay healthy and fit for many years.


(n.d.). ACSM Cardiorespiratory Training Guidelines. Retrieved from

Millar, A. Lynn. (2012). Improving Your Flexibility and Balance. Retrieved from

Westcott, W. (n.d.). ACSM Strength Training Guidelines. Role in Body Composition and Health Enhancement. Retrieved from

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